Powerful Solutions for Research Institutions
Entire purchase life-cycle indent from lab to committee recommendations from financial approvals to repositories of compliance documents. All at one place.

Digital Transformation in Procurement
Do away with paper and use powerful data driven tools for every purchase decision. Smart solutions are in place to ensure smooth approvals, sound financial decisions and judicious utilisation of grants and research funds.
Creating Indents, tracking approval status, live fund availability and list of purchase items makes it easy to run the lab and conduct experiments.
Data-driven tools to approve fund release, ensuring the right purchase mode, comparing price with indent-proposal and bills, keeping a record of all invoices was never so easy
Verification of purchase mode, creating committees, taking administrative decisions based on data driven analytic tools makes it convenient
StartupIndia, Government of India
Service Excellence Award, JNU
Science and Technology Minister (IC)
As UNBOUND 30, Bahrain
at NABI-CIAB, Mohali
IIT Delhi,TiE, YC Startup School, etc
Research Purchase Application
Ensuring credibility and transparency with ease of navigation

Projects and Indents
There are set guidelines which need to be followed while making a purchase for your laboratory. Selecting of right purchasing option, the project and expense head which have funds and giving correct declaration ensures faster approval. Your funds are always in front of you to make informed decisions.
Approval and Expenses
Real-time approval status of your indent and requests. You can see if the approvals came, purchase orderr were generated or products were delivered. There will be a list of all items in downloadable format. You can also generate expense-statements head-wise for your projects.
Funding Guidelines
All the records in digital format is at your disposal. Labify helps you follow guidelines for purchasing, record keeping, generating utilisation certificates for funding agencies and much more. Compliance is not so complicated.
Transparency and Control
All decision makers on one platform enables transparency and efficiency. Purchase, Store, Finance and Management can track file movement, fund availability, previous records and all documents before making decisions. There will be the bonus of a digital record of all decisions and secured data.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know to make sure you use labify like a pro.